Businesses can now get top quality new offices in Bexhill, Hastings and Eastbourne on ultra-flexible terms in a pioneering move to address the Brexit market.

As part of its economic development programme for the area, developer Sea Change Sussex has introduced a three-month notice period in its leases which, innovatively, can be served by occupiers at any time. This is designed to provide an exceptional degree of flexibility for companies facing unknown market conditions as the UK plans its EU withdrawal.

These new terms are available as part of three-year leases for Sea Change’s small and medium offices in:

  • A forthcoming business centre on the Bexhill Enterprise Park (shown above), with units from 600 sq ft upwards pre-letting now
  • Havelock Place, Hastings: the high quality development in the Priory Quarter town centre business district, with units from 541 sq ft upwards
  • Pacific House, Eastbourne (shown below): the contemporary new business centre in Sovereign Harbour, with units available from 627 sq ft upwards

John Shaw, CEO of Sea Change Sussex, says: “Companies are telling us they still want to invest and grow following the EU referendum, but they feel the economic road ahead will be less certain for some time. So we’ve introduced new leases which means they can have the quality of new premises they want along with an extremely high level of flexibility to react to market conditions as they unfold.”

Anyone wishing to find out more about Sea Change’s offices and its new ultra-flexible leases should contact one of the company’s agents:

Or visit:

For further media information & images, please contact:

Tariq Khwaja from TK Associates
T: 01932 224 212